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February 28, 2023 RiazNews0

Dr. Riaz Akhtar, Reader in Biomedical Engineering, reflects on positive impact of Wellcome ISSF Research Support Fund grant in recognition of challenges presented by the pandemic.

I am a Reader in Biomedical Engineering. My research focusses on cardiovascular biomechanics. I am fortunate to be able to work with leading experts through the Liverpool Centre of Cardiovascular Science where we have a strong, collaborative relationship with the clinicians and surgeons working at the hospitals in the Liverpool City Region.

During the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a huge change in my personal circumstances which impacted on my ability to do the creative aspects of my job which require prolonged periods of deep work such as paper and grant writing. I was, however, successful in being awarded pilot funding for a project exploring the relationship between Covid-19 infection and vascular ageing. This is an important project for understanding the long-term consequences of Covid-19 and to determine why some individuals are more adversely affected following infection. What is particularly exciting for me is that the project feeds into a global study, CARTESIAN (Covid-19 Effects on ARTErial StIffness and Vascular AgeiNg) which is exploring this relationship across multiple countries and research centres across the world (52 centres in 25 Countries). I had been successful in obtaining ethical approval for this study but lacked the capacity to progress the research until receiving the Wellcome Trust ISSF award.

Read the full article:,1382334,en.html 


The LABB group presented their work at the Liverpool Aortic Surgery Symposium VIII on 28th June 2019, which was attended by leading cardiothoracic surgeons from the UK and USA. Dr Jill Madine delivered a talk entitled 'Idiopathic degenerative thoracic aneurysms are associated with increased aortic medial amyloid'. Dr Riaz Akhtar gave a talk entitled 'Is bicuspid aortopathy associated with distinct patterns of matrix degradation?' Congratulations to Riaz who was awarded the Best abstract presentation for scientific research in Thoracic Aortic surgery.


February 12, 2019 RiazNews0
We are pleased that Zhuo Chang, who was supervised by Dr Riaz Akhtar on a project related to arterial stiffening has been awarded the prestigious Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding PhD Thesis for Self-Funded Students 2018. Zhuo’s work focussed on utilising the internal mammary artery as a novel target for arterial stiffening.

You can read about the prize in more detail:

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